Monday, September 29, 2008

Group Fitness is Full! More on the Way for Youths!

Hello everyone.

I am just writing to say that the response has been overwhelming.

The first group is full!

The class filled in 5 days.

If you had intended to join this group it is already too late!

Couples joined, moms and daughters, brothers in law. It is quite a mix and already knowing over half these people it’s easy to see that we are going to have a lot of fun.

They are serious about their health but they always have a good time.


Due to the overwhelming response I have gotten more time and space for a second group. I have acquired the space at Studio 1 on Waverly Rd. It is two buildings past the MicMac Tavern. And no, we are not going there for supper!

I am looking to you to help me get members. People you would like to see get into better shape or who have been asking if you know of someone to help them get fit

If you know anyone who has one hour a week and is looking to get into great shape, please pass this on. They just might thank you for it. Often.

Not only that, I have a Referral Reward System. Get one person signed up and you get a free session. Two and it is two. Three and your free for the whole 3 months!!!

Really! Get three friends signed up and you are free. The four of you will get into great shape together, have fun and save 25%. Unless you don’t want to tell them! Don’t worry, I wont either!

It’s only $66 for the two months! Looking the best for Christmas or getting a huge jump on New Year’s resolutions, now is the time to start.

So if you've put it off and missed the first group here is your chance at the second.

Call me at 219-0072 or e-mail me at

Thank you again for helping spread the word about this wonderful opportunity.

Have a great day!

In health,


Sunday, September 21, 2008

Complete Athletic Development for Youths


There is no risk to promoting Brian Grasso's Complete Athletic
Development so early in the life of my blog. I have not seen it's

Brian is a Canadian who has been transplanted south of the border.
He has been flown around the world to talk about his ground
breaking techniques in Athletic Development.

If you already know what I am talking about you can order the
complete package here!

With testimonials like this you can see why he is so widely

"I have dedicated my life to the pursuit of learning how to best
develop athletic ability in young athletes. I have researched it,
applied it practically and now teach it to professionals worldwide.
The information offered in this collection is precisely what more
Trainers and Coaches need to hear."

Dr. Kwame Brown
Neuro-Scientist & Motor Skill Development Expert


"After reading Training Young Athletes - The Grasso Method by Brian
Grasso, there is no doubt who is leading the industry in youth
coaching. I have basically taken all my books on youth training and
put them in storage - The Grasso Method covers it all! I highly
encourage coaches and trainers of young athletes to make this book
your next purchase. You won't believe the difference it will make!"

Lee Taft
World Class Speed Coach

And here
is an mp3 audio testimonial from Richie Whall,Young Athlete Coach
from Cheshire, England.

Complete Athlete Development Home

You can see why I back it up as well. I've been following Brian's
work for over a year now and I can say I have never been led
astray. The information and his motivation is fantastic.

If you want to take your athletics to the next level, this is the
program for you!

Click here to get your copy right now.

You will NOT be disappointed.

Who's looking out for you?

In health,


Complete Athlete Development Home

Sunday, September 7, 2008

knock their socks off!

What can I say. You learn something new everyday. Sometimes it is the things that you thought you already knew.

I've been reading and researching what makes a successful weight loss plan for all these years.

Guess what I "found out".

Eat less, do more.

Yup. That's it.

Careful, what I mean by eat less is to reduce carbohydrates and make your meals smaller. Oh, you know what I mean by that.

I've bee there myself. Big heaping plate for supper. It feels good when you haven't had a lot to eat all day.

But if you eat more during the day, and more often, the less likely we will gorge at the end of the day.

Makes sense doesn't it?

Something weight loss guru Alwyn Cosgrove said stuck with me. Weight loss is simple, not easy!

We know what we have to do. It's all in black and white above. But why can't we do it. That's the hard part.

You are going to have to figure out what is stopping you from succeeding. That is something no personal trainer in the world can do: go inside your head.

We can quote statistics until we are blue in the face. But if a client isn't ready to make "the change", well, nothing is going to happen.

For instance: reduce carbohydrate intake.

Seems simple enough.

How many people do it? Take a look around at our collective girth. Not many, I'd say.

Simple, not easy.

Another: 1 hour of activity a day

Any takers?

And I mean any activity. Sure some are better than others depending on what your goals are but lets get the cart out in front of the horse shall we. Start by doing anything. Enjoy your activity.

Fine tune later.

So what are you going to do today?

What are you going to do this week?

There is a hint at what will make any plan successful. Looking ahead. Seems like an oversimplification. But I encourage you to look around.

See anyone else doing it?

Now go. Get out there. Knock their socks off and surprise yourself. You are capable of so much.

In health,


Check out the Complete Athletic Development for young athletes. The best system in the world for preparing your young athletes for competition and reducing injuries.


Have a wonderful day!