Monday, September 29, 2008

Group Fitness is Full! More on the Way for Youths!

Hello everyone.

I am just writing to say that the response has been overwhelming.

The first group is full!

The class filled in 5 days.

If you had intended to join this group it is already too late!

Couples joined, moms and daughters, brothers in law. It is quite a mix and already knowing over half these people it’s easy to see that we are going to have a lot of fun.

They are serious about their health but they always have a good time.


Due to the overwhelming response I have gotten more time and space for a second group. I have acquired the space at Studio 1 on Waverly Rd. It is two buildings past the MicMac Tavern. And no, we are not going there for supper!

I am looking to you to help me get members. People you would like to see get into better shape or who have been asking if you know of someone to help them get fit

If you know anyone who has one hour a week and is looking to get into great shape, please pass this on. They just might thank you for it. Often.

Not only that, I have a Referral Reward System. Get one person signed up and you get a free session. Two and it is two. Three and your free for the whole 3 months!!!

Really! Get three friends signed up and you are free. The four of you will get into great shape together, have fun and save 25%. Unless you don’t want to tell them! Don’t worry, I wont either!

It’s only $66 for the two months! Looking the best for Christmas or getting a huge jump on New Year’s resolutions, now is the time to start.

So if you've put it off and missed the first group here is your chance at the second.

Call me at 219-0072 or e-mail me at

Thank you again for helping spread the word about this wonderful opportunity.

Have a great day!

In health,


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