Sunday, September 7, 2008

knock their socks off!

What can I say. You learn something new everyday. Sometimes it is the things that you thought you already knew.

I've been reading and researching what makes a successful weight loss plan for all these years.

Guess what I "found out".

Eat less, do more.

Yup. That's it.

Careful, what I mean by eat less is to reduce carbohydrates and make your meals smaller. Oh, you know what I mean by that.

I've bee there myself. Big heaping plate for supper. It feels good when you haven't had a lot to eat all day.

But if you eat more during the day, and more often, the less likely we will gorge at the end of the day.

Makes sense doesn't it?

Something weight loss guru Alwyn Cosgrove said stuck with me. Weight loss is simple, not easy!

We know what we have to do. It's all in black and white above. But why can't we do it. That's the hard part.

You are going to have to figure out what is stopping you from succeeding. That is something no personal trainer in the world can do: go inside your head.

We can quote statistics until we are blue in the face. But if a client isn't ready to make "the change", well, nothing is going to happen.

For instance: reduce carbohydrate intake.

Seems simple enough.

How many people do it? Take a look around at our collective girth. Not many, I'd say.

Simple, not easy.

Another: 1 hour of activity a day

Any takers?

And I mean any activity. Sure some are better than others depending on what your goals are but lets get the cart out in front of the horse shall we. Start by doing anything. Enjoy your activity.

Fine tune later.

So what are you going to do today?

What are you going to do this week?

There is a hint at what will make any plan successful. Looking ahead. Seems like an oversimplification. But I encourage you to look around.

See anyone else doing it?

Now go. Get out there. Knock their socks off and surprise yourself. You are capable of so much.

In health,


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Have a wonderful day!

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